Thy Will Be Done…

There are times in life where I have found myself in the middle of reality and truth. Times where the weight of my current situation seems to all but crush me, but the truth of who God is, lingers in my heart. It is in those moments that the stories I read in the Bible become real. All those scriptures leap off the page and my name is written into the story as the plan of God unfolds before me.

Maybe you’ve been there too…

I’m so confused
I know I heard you loud and clear
So, I followed through
Somehow I ended up here

When my husband and I married four, almost five years ago, we made the decision to trust God in every aspect of our new life together. For us, this meant that we would choose to place our family in His hands. Uncertain of what that really meant, Continue reading

Start 2014 with “Yes”

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. – Hebrews 11:8

Use what you have now, until you have more to use later. So often we talk about wanting to be used by God. We want to be a blessing BUT______ – this is where a good thing turns bad and we focus on the circumstances that prohibit us from being able to do this thing OUR way (not God’s way).  Continue reading

New Series…


A while ago I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine about the advice we would give to our younger selves. As we  prepare to leave our twenties behind there is some wisdom we have picked up along the way that would have been very helpful to know when we were say, 19. If experience is the best teacher than between the two of us we have sat in on some MasterClass lessons that I think should be passed on to you.

Maybe you will read these and shake your head in agreement, wishing you knew earlier in life too. Or maybe you will be able to take something and apply it to your life now allowing you to test out of that class early. If so, praise God! If not, don’t worry… experience really is the best teacher.

Over the next few weeks I will share with you what we discussed in a series called “Dear Arial”. So stay tuned…

Join In:

– What piece of advice would you give to your younger self? Share it in the comments section below.