Go Tell


A few weeks ago I attended the Devoted Conference at Wave Church in Virginia Beach, VA. Devoted is an annual women’s conference done by Wave and draws women from all over the world in attendance. Being we live relatively close to the conference site and that Priscilla Shirer was going to be there, some friends and I decided to attend.

Each participant of the conference was given a gift on the last day. A set of two spiral bound journals with testimonies from women and encouraging scriptures among the blank lined pages. We were encouraged to keep one journal for ourselves and to share one with a woman we know who is far from God.

“Far from God.”

Hearing that statement made me think of a time when I didn’t know anyone far from God. I became a Christian at a young age and for the most part, my friends were Christians. Of course I knew of people who didn’t believe in God but we weren’t close enough for them to be impacted by my beliefs or lifestyle. I was a Christian who hung around Christians and I was content in that.

Years later, I now understand that there is more to being a Christian than reserving your seat in Heaven. It’s as much about getting yourself right as it is about bringing others with you. Jesus commanded the disciples to go and teach others what they themselves had learned. Share the good news of Christ with those far from Him and show them how to enter into a relationship with Him. Go tell. (Matthew 28:16-20)

Sitting in my seat at the conference, journals in hand, a name of a woman I know instantly popped into my head. I must admit, knowing someone who fit the bill made me smile. It was confirmation of the change God has done in my own life and how He has brought people close to me who need to meet and hear about Him. Not only has He brought them close but my heart toward them has been changed. No longer do I see the stark difference in our lifestyles but I also see more of the similarities between us too.

So what about you? If I was to ask you to share something with a woman you know who is “far from God”. What would you do? Would the idea make you a bit nervous or would you jump at the opportunity to bless someone with the message of Jesus? I pray that as Christians, we can see the importance of not shutting out those who don’t believe what we believe. If we do, then who will tell them about Christ? May we lovingly and with open homes and hearts, invite them in, do life with them, and use every opportunity God gives us to share with them the love of Christ.

As we approach April 5, 2015, Easter Sunday, take sometime to ask God for two people you can invite to attend service with you. Easter is one of the best times for someone to hear the good news of Jesus. Churches across the country use this day as one to clearly articulate the message of Christ’s love for His people in a way that non-believers can understand and relate to. If you don’t have a church to invite them to bring them to The Bridge Church. We’d love to meet y’all!

Let’s be obedient to the great commission of Jesus and allow Him to be responsible for the outcome. Go tell!

One thought on “Go Tell

  1. Amen! Thank you for sharing! I enjoy being able to share with people who may be far from Christ. I also remain aware that there are those that believe in and accept Him, but don’t understand what it means to have a “relationship” with Him. I enjoy sharing the wonder and beauty of developing and maintaining a relationship with God.

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