Hoarding Grace

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. – 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

Here Paul talks about the thorn God placed in his side. Though it’s never revealed in scripture what the thorn actually was we do hear Paul plead with God for it to be removed. Ultimately God replies, “My grace is sufficient…”. Saying that thorn or no thorn, “I will extend to you enough grace to be able to effectively carry out the mission I have called you to”.

Often I think we forget that God’s grace is a gift. It’s unmerited, we do nothing to earn it and we don’t get it taken away for bad behavior. It’s extended to us for no other reason than because God is a loving God. Because we expect it, we also can find ourselves in situations where we want more of it. Fearful that the current supply will eventually run out, we want to stockpile for a rainy day. Or maybe worse of all, we fail to recognize it at all.

Lamentations 3:23 talks about how the mercies of God are new every day. Each day God is armed with a new supply of grace and mercy and it’s sufficient enough for us to make it through the day. When tomorrow comes, the supply is replenished and so on….

What if we learned to live off of what we were given? What if we chose to bless God with a content heart instead of shamefully being unsatisfied and wanting more? Could God begin to really show us the power of His grace and how far a little actually can go?

Maybe that’s what we need for God to really blow our minds.

So let’s start here, today.

Become a detective searching for examples of God’s grace in your life and bless Him for each one. With no strings attached, no secret wishes for more, wholeheartedly and with no envy. 

Record what happens and share with us how God changes your heart and your desires for the better.

-Arial J.

4 thoughts on “Hoarding Grace

  1. I’ve also learned over the past few months that it’s interesting how after we have come to accept God’s grace – aka unmerited favor, and have received it , we are often so reluctant to release it to others. Sadly we want others to pay and deserve what we ourselves have got free of charge-
    I often wonder what would happen , if everyone learned to love graciously…

      • Yess.. it says I’m giving to you , no strings attached from the abundance of what I have received and what I do for you is not predicated upon what you do or have done for/to me… It’s fascinating and I guess what unconditional love is all about… “the I love you as Christ has loved me” kind of love..
